Korean Brides

South Korea is a small Asian state with amazing landscapes, very authentic culture, polite people and developed infrastructure. It is also known for its K-dramas, state-of-the-art technologies, high-quality education, rich cuisine, etc. However, the major attraction for male tourists is, without any doubts, Korean women. Their kindness, cuteness, beauty, sexy bodies, good manners make men of all nationalities fall in love with them. So, what are the main characteristics of Korean mail order brides and where you can meet them? You will find all the information you need in this article.

Main Characteristics of Korean Women

In order to marry a Korean girl, you need to understand her mentality, cultural background and personality traits. The major characteristics of the Korean women are presented in the list below.
Korean Girl

  • Intelligence. The educational system in South Korea is considered to be one of the best in the world. The percentage of young people with higher education is extremely high here and the average IQ is also on top. Moreover, Korean women have developed emotional intelligence which is rather good news for your relationship.
  • Hard-working. In Asian states like China, Japan and South Korea, work takes a central place in people’s lives. Koreans work long hours and generally have good wages. Overworking is common here and a lot of people have problems in keeping a work-life balance. Korean brides are taught to work hard and always be focused on new achievements and it is their big advantage.
  • Beauty. Hot Korean girls are well-known in this region and the whole world. In general, they are taller than girls from China or Japan and have sexy body shapes. A lot of men find them more feminine than the American girls, for example, even slightly childish which is also cute.
  • Patriotism. Korean people are patriots of their country and women are not an exception. Bear it in mind if you gonna be looking for love in Korea.
  • Emotional. Korean women do not hide their emotions – to the contrary, they like to demonstrate it. Once in a relationship, they might be emotionally unstable but it only attracts men who are protectors by nature.
  • Good manners. When it comes to manners, Korean women are practically the best in the world. If she is silent and shy during your first date, do not consider it as signs of disinterest. Her behavior is completely driven by the Korean tradition – give her some time, she will surely open up to you.
  • Impatience. Not only women but all people in Korea are impatient – they even have a special concept called Ppalli Ppalli (in English – Hurry Hurry). According to this concept, the Koreans try to get things done as quickly as possible to attain maximum efficiency and productivity.

Simple Rules of Dating Korean Girls

Whether you are already dating a Korean girl or just looking for information on this particular topic, you absolutely need to know some basic rules of dating Korean ladies.
Korean Woman

  1. Talk about your education and work. For the Koreans, a person is determined by his/her education and especially job. Having a good job with prospects and a decent salary (or potential growth in financial remuneration) is crucial not only for your future Korean wife but especially for her family. So, if you want to impress the girl – you need to show her that you are ambitious, forward-looking, and know where you are heading in your professional life. Education is also an important factor because Korean women prefer to date intelligent guys.
  2. Be unpredictable and ask her out to unusual places. One of the reasons Korean girls want to date a foreigner is because local guys might be boring and too predictable. Take your beautiful date to a restaurant she has never been to, try peculiar food, do some extreme sports/activities, go on a trip, learn something new together. She will appreciate spending time with an interesting person and in an unknown environment. Use your imagination and be creative!
  3. If you are good at sport – show her your skills. Korean brides are fond of sporty guys so why not go to the gym with her or show your surfing skills – it will surely make an excellent impression on her.
  4. If you go to the gym – you have a huge advantage. Girls from Korean are fond of sporty guys with strong bodies and if you are one of them then you have much more chances to make her fall in love with you.
  5. Compliment her. This rule is old like the world but it still works! Use compliments. Korean guys are bad in compliments so you can take advantage of it while messaging or walking around with your date.
  6. Act naturally and be yourself. If a Korean girl uses an online dating service, she is in search of adventure, something quite different from her usual relationships. She will fancy the fact that you are a foreigner so try to use it. Learn some Korean phrases, never mind your accent – she will adore it. Let her choose the dishes at the restaurant if you are not a connoisseur in the Korean cuisine.

Pros and Cons of Dating Korean Mail Order Bride

Dating girls from South Korea will be a wonderful experience for you. However, you need to know all advantages and disadvantages of it before even subscribing to dating sites. Here are some major things you need to be aware of:
Korean lady

  • Huge benefits for your children. An international couple means a mixture of two different cultures within one family. You children will be able to speak at least two languages from childhood and it will help them in the future to find a good job. Also, they would take the best out of two different cultures, mindsets, traditions. Not to mention the fact that this diversity will only strengthen your relationship and family life.
  • Korean girls take dating seriously. You won’t feel as if a girl tries to fool you or she accepts going out with you only because she is bored. It is not common in this country. Korean women start a relationship only if they see potential in it; otherwise, they will not waste her and your time. It is unusual for them to flirt without intention as they are looking for true love, not some short time entertainment.
  • Independence and self-sufficiency. As it has been already stated, Korean girls are hard-working and very educated. Taking into consideration the fact that South Korea is a rich and developed country, they have no problems in finding a good job with a decent wage. As a consequence, Korean women are not interested in money – they can earn it by themselves. All they are looking for is a loving, caring, forward-looking and reliable man with whom she can build up her future and create a family.
  • She admires the American culture. That might even be one of the reasons she created a dating profile on a free online dating platform. The Koreans are fond of so-called “Western lifestyle” they see in movies and advertisements. They dream about going to Paris, New York, Madrid, they admire the Western people, their culture, languages, lifestyles. All of it might be quite useful for a successful hookup or just to make some new friends in the Asian states, South Korea is particular.
  • You need to get used to cultural differences. Korean girls behave differently from what girls’ behavior is in the United States. If you had no similar experience in the past, you might have a culture shock at the beginning of the relationship. Get used to childish behavior, rapid mood swings, her obsession with social networks, be ready to pay for everything and everywhere (it is a tradition here that the man pays for the girl) and be in the highlight when she meets her friends.

Why do Korean Ladies Strive to Get a Husband from Abroad?

Asian countries, South Korea included, have a long period been closed to the world. Nowadays, there are fewer restrictions and the local population takes advantage of it. International dating is so popular in South Korea because women want to break out from the usual environment, somehow break hundreds-years old traditions and meet someone from the “outer world”, a person who has an entirely different cultural background and for this reason, might eventually become a perfect match for them. Girls who are looking for love in dating apps are often rebels against obsolete dating traditions. Also, the reputation of the Western countries plays an important role: Korean women want to marry a foreigner because foreign men are presumably handsome, strong, tall, funny, relaxed, good lovers, adventurous, etc.

Cultural Differences

It has been mentioned several times throughout the article about cultural differences. Let’s just add that Asian people have a totally different mindset and lifestyles, you will see it once you come to South Korea. However, the best dating advice regarding this matter one can give is accept these cultural differences, try to understand your soulmate’s culture but do not give up your own lifestyle/habits and do not be afraid of being different. To the contrary, be proud of it and you will see – Korean girls will consider it to be your advantage compared to local guys.


Do Korean girls make perfect wives?

Korean girls are family-oriented, organized, smart, ambitious, caring. They are definitely among the best wives in the world.

Are Korean ladies fond of American men?

Indeed, Korean girls have a crush on American men so if you are from the US – take your chances!

Why do Korean women go online dating?

Korean girls are obsessed with social networks and digital technologies in general. So, the widespread use of dating platforms is quite obvious.

What are the benefits of dating Korean girl online?

Thanks to messaging and video calling, you will have a chance to meet new people, get to know the girls better and start a relationship before even planning your trip to the Korean peninsula.

What are Korean women like?

They are beautiful, look very young, cute, ambitious, have sexy bodies and smile like a child.

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